Slowly, slowly, drag them slowly Drag the remnants slowly. These were well-built men now mowed on the ground like grasses Executed by men motivated by authority,by men corrupted with money Drag the half rotten remnants slowly,lest you pluck out the already weakened limbs out of their ball and sockets. Their cadavers, a "peacemeal" for scavengers This was meant to be a fair pursuit of power Attained by the endorsement of the majority Now,here they are,blood-spilled and wasted on the floor just to eradicate them from the race beforehand Their happiness, a thing of the past. Slowly,slowly,drag the half-chopped limbs slowly These were foreseen visionary men with their ambitions overshadowed by despising rivals Oh God!! Should men not dream big anymore? Should men keep on envisaging greatness but wake up to see Sheol? Men perpetuate despicable crimes against each other to earn authority Honourable men put to waste time after time at the expense of their families in the name of power. We have been overwhelmed by a boulevard of misery. Oh God! Deliver us from our own kind
photo by Ghana Must Go Studios