White River Saw Mills Bursary

It is important for individuals to be aware of the White River Saw Mills Bursary and what it entails in order to take advantage of the opportunities it provides. This bursary can greatly assist students in pursuing their education and achieving their career goals. By understanding the details of the bursary, individuals can determine if they are eligible and how to apply, ensuring they do not miss out on this valuable opportunity.

White River Saw Mills Bursary

The White River Saw Mills Bursary is a financial aid program aimed at supporting South African students who are pursuing tertiary education. This bursary is specifically designed for students who are interested in fields related to the timber industry, such as forestry, wood technology, or engineering. It is offered by White River Saw Mills, a leading timber company in South Africa.

Benefits of the White River Saw Mills Bursary include financial assistance to cover tuition fees, accommodation, study materials, and other related expenses. This support can alleviate the financial burden on students and their families, allowing them to focus on their studies and excel academically. Additionally, the bursary may also provide opportunities for practical training and internships within the timber industry, helping students gain valuable work experience and enhance their employability.


1. Who is eligible for the White River Saw Mills Bursary?

Any South African student who is pursuing a tertiary qualification in a field related to the timber industry, such as forestry, wood technology, or engineering, may be eligible for the bursary.

2. How can I apply for the bursary?

To apply for the White River Saw Mills Bursary, you need to complete the application form available on their official website. Make sure to provide all the required documents and information accurately.

3. What expenses does the bursary cover?

The bursary covers various expenses, including tuition fees, accommodation, study materials, and other related costs. However, it is important to review the specific terms and conditions of the bursary to understand the extent of the financial support provided.

4. Are there any obligations or requirements after receiving the bursary?

Recipients of the bursary may be required to maintain a certain academic performance and provide progress reports to the bursary provider. Additionally, they may have the opportunity to participate in practical training or internships within the timber industry.

5. How will I be notified if I am awarded the bursary?

If you are selected for the White River Saw Mills Bursary, you will be notified via email or phone. It is important to regularly check your email and keep your contact information up to date.