SARB Bursary

Understanding the importance of the SARB Bursary is crucial for South Africans seeking financial assistance for their education. This article aims to provide valuable information about the SARB Bursary, its benefits, and frequently asked questions.

SARB Bursary

The SARB Bursary is a financial aid program offered by the South African Reserve Bank to assist students in pursuing their tertiary education. This bursary is specifically designed to support individuals who demonstrate academic excellence and financial need. It covers various fields of study, including economics, finance, accounting, and information technology.

Applicants for the SARB Bursary must be South African citizens and have obtained a minimum of 70% in Mathematics and English in their final matriculation exams. Additionally, they should have been accepted or be in the process of applying to an accredited South African university or university of technology.

The benefits of the SARB Bursary are numerous. Firstly, it provides financial support to cover tuition fees, accommodation, prescribed textbooks, and a living allowance. This alleviates the financial burden on students and allows them to focus on their studies. Secondly, recipients of the bursary are offered vacation work opportunities at the South African Reserve Bank during their holidays, providing valuable work experience and exposure to the financial industry.


1. How do I apply for the SARB Bursary?

To apply for the SARB Bursary, you need to complete the online application form available on the South African Reserve Bank’s official website. Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria and submit all required documents, including academic transcripts, proof of acceptance to a tertiary institution, and proof of income.

2. What are the selection criteria for the SARB Bursary?

The selection process for the SARB Bursary is highly competitive. The bank considers academic performance, financial need, leadership potential, and personal qualities when evaluating applications. It is essential to showcase your achievements and demonstrate why you deserve this bursary.

3. How much funding does the SARB Bursary provide?

The SARB Bursary covers various expenses, including tuition fees, prescribed textbooks, accommodation, and a living allowance. The exact amount of funding provided may vary depending on individual circumstances and the cost of the chosen course of study.

4. Can I study any field with the SARB Bursary?

The SARB Bursary is primarily focused on fields related to economics, finance, accounting, and information technology. However, it is recommended to review the specific eligibility criteria and preferred fields of study mentioned in the application guidelines.

5. Are there any obligations or requirements after receiving the SARB Bursary?

Recipients of the SARB Bursary are required to maintain a satisfactory academic performance throughout their studies. They are also expected to participate in vacation work opportunities offered by the South African Reserve Bank during their holidays. These obligations ensure that students make the most of the bursary and gain valuable practical experience.