Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming

It is important for women in gaming to know about the Generation Google Scholarship as it provides a unique opportunity for them to pursue their passion and excel in the field. This scholarship aims to support and empower women who are interested in gaming, providing them with financial assistance and mentorship to help them succeed in this male-dominated industry.

Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming

The Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming is a program designed to encourage and support women who are interested in pursuing a career in the gaming industry. This scholarship is open to women studying computer science, game design, or a related field, and it provides financial assistance to help cover tuition fees and other educational expenses. In addition to the financial support, recipients of this scholarship also receive mentorship from Google employees who are experienced professionals in the gaming industry.

There are several benefits of the Generation Google Scholarship for women in gaming. Firstly, it provides financial support, which can alleviate the financial burden of pursuing a degree in a competitive field. This allows women to focus on their studies and fully immerse themselves in their chosen field. Secondly, the mentorship aspect of the scholarship is invaluable. Having access to experienced professionals in the gaming industry can provide guidance, advice, and networking opportunities that can greatly enhance a woman’s career prospects in gaming.


1. How can I apply for the Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming?

To apply for the scholarship, you need to meet the eligibility criteria and complete the online application form. The application typically requires information about your academic background, extracurricular activities, and a personal statement explaining your interest in gaming and how the scholarship would benefit you.

2. What are the eligibility criteria for the scholarship?

The eligibility criteria for the Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming may vary each year, but generally, applicants must identify as female, be enrolled in a university or college program, and be studying computer science, game design, or a related field. It is important to review the specific eligibility requirements for the year you are applying.

3. How much financial support does the scholarship provide?

The amount of financial support provided by the Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming varies each year. However, it typically covers a significant portion of tuition fees and other educational expenses. The exact amount will be communicated to the selected recipients.

4. Can international students apply for the scholarship?

Yes, the Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming is open to international students who meet the eligibility criteria. However, it is important to note that the scholarship is highly competitive, and the selection process is based on merit.

5. What is the duration of the scholarship?

The Generation Google Scholarship: Women in Gaming is a one-time scholarship awarded for a single academic year. However, recipients may have the opportunity to reapply for the scholarship in subsequent years if they continue to meet the eligibility criteria and maintain satisfactory academic progress.