Inscape Scholarship

Understanding the Inscape Scholarship is crucial for individuals who are seeking financial assistance to pursue their education. This article aims to provide valuable information about the scholarship, its benefits, and frequently asked questions to help potential applicants make informed decisions.

Inscape Scholarship

The Inscape Scholarship is a program designed to support students in South Africa who demonstrate exceptional talent and potential in the fields of design, marketing, and communication. This scholarship aims to provide financial aid to deserving individuals who may not have the means to pursue their education otherwise.

Applicants for the Inscape Scholarship are required to submit a portfolio showcasing their creative abilities and a motivation letter explaining their passion for their chosen field of study. The scholarship committee carefully evaluates these submissions to select deserving candidates who will receive financial assistance to cover their tuition fees.

The benefits of the Inscape Scholarship are numerous. Firstly, it provides an opportunity for talented individuals to receive quality education and training in their chosen field without the burden of financial constraints. This allows students to focus on their studies and fully immerse themselves in their creative pursuits.

Secondly, the Inscape Scholarship opens doors to various career opportunities. By studying at Inscape, students gain access to a network of industry professionals and potential employers, increasing their chances of securing internships and job placements upon graduation.


1. Can anyone apply for the Inscape Scholarship?

Yes, anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can apply for the Inscape Scholarship. However, preference is given to individuals who demonstrate exceptional talent and potential in the fields of design, marketing, and communication.

2. How do I apply for the Inscape Scholarship?

To apply for the Inscape Scholarship, you need to submit a portfolio showcasing your creative abilities and a motivation letter explaining your passion for your chosen field of study. These documents can be submitted online through the Inscape website.

3. What does the Inscape Scholarship cover?

The Inscape Scholarship covers tuition fees for the duration of the program. However, it does not cover additional expenses such as accommodation, textbooks, or living costs.

4. How are the scholarship recipients selected?

The scholarship committee carefully evaluates the portfolios and motivation letters submitted by applicants. They consider factors such as creativity, passion, and potential in selecting deserving candidates for the scholarship.

5. Can I apply for the Inscape Scholarship if I am already enrolled in a program at Inscape?

No, the Inscape Scholarship is only available for new students who are applying for admission to Inscape. It is not applicable to current students or individuals who have already completed their studies at Inscape.