Absa group limited contact details

By | December 22, 2023

Knowing how to reach out to Absa Group Limited is essential for customers, investors, media professionals, and anyone seeking information about the bank’s operations.

Contacting Absa Group Limited

To effectively engage with Absa Group Limited, it’s imperative to be familiar with its contact details. The registered business address is on the 7th Floor, Absa Towers West, 15 Troye Street, Johannesburg, 2001. Any written correspondence can be directed to PO Box 7735, Johannesburg, 2000. For general inquiries, the telephone contact is +27 (0)11 350 4000.

Absa Group Limited is incorporated in the Republic of South Africa, bearing the registration number 1986/003934/06. It is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with the share code ABG and issuer code ABGE. The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for Absa Group Limited is ZAE000255915.

For general customer inquiries, the contact number is +27 (0)8600 08600, with assistance available seven days a week from 08:00 to 17:00. Email communication can be directed to absa@absa.co.za.

Specific Contacts for Different Needs

Understanding the specific contacts for various inquiries is critical to efficient communication:

  • Group Company Secretary: For governance and company secretary affairs, contact Nadine Drutman at +27 (0)11 350 4000 or via email at groupsec@absa.co.za.
  • Media Queries: Media professionals can contact Absa Group Limited for press-related matters at +27 (0)11 350 4000 or via email at PRmedia@absa.africa.
  • Investor Relations: Transfer secretaries are managed by Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited, and inquiries can be directed to questions@computershare.co.za.
  • International Contacts: Absa Group Limited has a presence in various countries. Depending on your location or specific needs, you can find the relevant contact information on the official Absa websites for Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, Seychelles, Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritius, Tanzania, and Uganda.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How can I contact Absa Group Limited for general inquiries?

For general inquiries, you can contact Absa Group Limited at +27 (0)11 350 4000 or absa@absa.co.za.

Who should I contact for governance and company secretary matters?

Nadine Drutman, the Group Company Secretary, can be reached at +27 (0)11 350 4000 or via email at groupsec@absa.co.za.

Media professionals can contact Absa at +27 (0)11 350 4000 or via email at PRmedia@absa.africa.

What is the international contact number for Absa Group Limited in Nigeria?

For inquiries in Nigeria, you can contact Absa at +234-1 7000275.