ABSA BMI Bursary

It is important for individuals to be aware of the ABSA BMI Bursary and what it entails in order to take advantage of the opportunities it provides. This bursary program offers financial assistance to South African students who are pursuing tertiary education. By understanding the details of this bursary, students can make informed decisions about their educational journey and potentially alleviate the financial burden associated with higher education.

ABSA BMI Bursary

The ABSA BMI Bursary is a program designed to support South African students in their pursuit of higher education. It is specifically aimed at students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds who demonstrate academic potential and financial need. The bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation, study materials, and a monthly allowance to assist with living expenses. It is a comprehensive support system that aims to ensure that deserving students have the opportunity to access quality education.


The ABSA BMI Bursary offers numerous benefits to eligible students. Firstly, it provides financial assistance to cover the costs associated with tertiary education, including tuition fees and accommodation. This relieves the financial burden on students and allows them to focus on their studies without worrying about how to fund their education. Additionally, the bursary includes a monthly allowance, which helps students meet their day-to-day living expenses. This support enables students to fully immerse themselves in their studies and make the most of their educational experience.


1. How do I apply for the ABSA BMI Bursary?

To apply for the ABSA BMI Bursary, you need to visit the ABSA website and complete the online application form. Make sure to provide all the required documents and information accurately. The application period usually opens in a specific timeframe, so be sure to check the website for updates.

2. Who is eligible for the ABSA BMI Bursary?

The ABSA BMI Bursary is available to South African students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds who are pursuing tertiary education. Applicants must demonstrate academic potential and financial need. Each year, the specific eligibility criteria may vary, so it is important to review the requirements outlined on the ABSA website.

3. What expenses does the ABSA BMI Bursary cover?

The ABSA BMI Bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation costs, study materials, and a monthly allowance for living expenses. These expenses are essential for students to successfully complete their studies without financial strain.

4. How are bursary recipients selected?

Bursary recipients are selected based on their academic potential and financial need. The selection process involves reviewing the applications, assessing the eligibility criteria, and conducting interviews or assessments if necessary. The final decision is made by a panel of representatives from ABSA and the BMI Foundation.

5. Can I renew the ABSA BMI Bursary for multiple years?

Yes, the ABSA BMI Bursary can be renewed for multiple years, provided that the recipient continues to meet the eligibility criteria and maintains satisfactory academic performance. Renewal is subject to an annual review process, and recipients are required to reapply each year to confirm their continued need for financial assistance.